
News and Media coverage

 Around the world we capture and deliver the stories that matter most to audiences.

We provide:

News coverage on site.

Ready-to-publish video stories in multiple languages

An archive of raw, unedited video from the past 100 years

User-generated content, both hard news and light hearted video

Content distribution

Connect with a ready-made global audience of publishers, news portals, agencies, broadcasters and production companies. We work with content producers to further their reach via our network, targeting distribution to a state, regional, national or global level.

Media tools and technology

Collaborate with us to develop the next wave of newsroom technology. As a global news provider, we are uniquely positioned to drive advancement and adoption of new newsroom technologies throughout our member and customer network. We’re developing innovative ways for news organizations to better report, publish, measure and track their own content.

Promote your brand with premium content and sponsorship opportunities across our web and mobile channels, as well as our network of publisher, broadcaster and corporate websites.